October 23, 2007

Covering the Bases - Anniversary Edition

The date on the calendar says one thing, but the date on the posts say another---either or Thursday marks the four year anniversary of this publication. Note it now, celebrate it on Thursday. Hopefully the Sox'll be leading the World Series by that point.

I'm willing to bet that something's gotten fouled up in dates at some point in time; the electronic calendar's highly unlikely to be wrong.

Posted by: Country Pundit at 11:12 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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October 03, 2007

Silence, Explained

So yeah, my employment pattern has shifted for the better and I've been busy right about the time that I'd be hammering out my poorly-wrought posts, which necessarily cuts down on the blogging time.

I've also been playing Il-2: 1946 online like a fiend, slaughtering Soviet airmen in 1941 or so in a Bf 109F or G. I utterly hate the Pe-2; the bloody thing takes a while to kill with a single 20mm cannon and a pair of 7.92mm machine guns.

I regret to say that Erich Hartmann's record has nothing to fear from me, however.

Posted by: Country Pundit at 10:00 PM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
Post contains 101 words, total size 1 kb.

September 11, 2007

Maintenance of Way

There are things afoot under the hood of this particular publication. I'm trying to revamp it. Don't be surprised if the site looks weird all of a sudden for some reason.

Posted by: Country Pundit at 01:40 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 37 words, total size 1 kb.

April 06, 2007

Funny How That Works

It appears that I've had a visitor from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Was this individual perhaps looking for enlightenment upon Allah---false deity, inferior to even the Greek gods and goddesses in every way, by the way---or perhaps the glories of Mohammed---war, torture, pillage, and lots of other uncivilized barbaric stuff---via the Internet? Nope.

They were looking for Ashley Judd in a Kentucky hockey jersey.

Beware, Islamics! She's not in a burqa, her head's not covered, and nothing Mohammedan enters the mind when you see her. You can even see her ankles.

Muahaha. Welcome to our visit from Riyadh! I'll do my best to get a better-quality picture in the future. Done.

Now all I need to do is buy one of these things for myself.

Posted by: Country Pundit at 04:56 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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April 02, 2007

Catching Up

OK, so March was basically a hectic month for me and I didn't get the time to write anything worth posting. An ill-tempered shot at Larry Kudlow for his monomaniacal shilling for the interests of large capital got ashcanned, so there went my Lou Dobbs-esque flavor for the month.

Heck, I even missed commemorating 01 April 1976, known to rail enthusiasts as Conrail Day. Bah.

Posted by: Country Pundit at 01:03 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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February 09, 2007

Happy Day

I have found an archive of images that were once associated with this publication and that I thought previously lost. Reconstruction as it happens.

Posted by: Country Pundit at 11:04 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 28 words, total size 1 kb.

February 05, 2007

Interruption of Service

I plead force majeure! I was sick and busy with revenue functions, et cetera.

Oh yeah, and the Super Bowl.

Posted by: Country Pundit at 09:58 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 26 words, total size 1 kb.

January 09, 2007

The Morning Report

It's 1030 hours here in the East, and all is well in the Commonwealth of Virginia, because


We have no threat of a Denver-style result, but nonetheless, after a winter season that saw me in short sleeves and light khaki pants for essentially all of November and December, this is cause to celebrate.

I ain't got no meadow, but hopefully I can still build a snowman. Too bad there's no Miss Country Pundit with which to pretend that said snowman is Parson Brown.


"I would have waited an eternity for this." (Surprise, you basically did.) It's been snowing for a solid hour and the ground is progressively turning white. There are still a few obstinate holdouts in the yard, but they too shall fall.

Well, bother. I should have known that using Megatron as an icon for anything other than abject failure was bound to end badly; the snow has backed off and the roads are clearing. I suppose it was weather-based irrational exuberance.

Posted by: Country Pundit at 10:30 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 173 words, total size 1 kb.

January 06, 2007

Weather Advisory

For the Attention Of: The State of Colorado
From: The Commonwealth of Virginia

Subject: Snow


That is all.

Posted by: Country Pundit at 11:50 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 30 words, total size 1 kb.

January 01, 2007

Work Continues

Doing some behind-the-scenes stuff. A large portion of it is essentially thinking through the sorts of coverage that I'd like to provide. Haven't figured that out yet, since the whole election thing isn't really my scene any more. There's no money in it, you see.

In sports news, congratulations to the Penn State Nittany Lions. Better luck next year, Tennessee!

Posted by: Country Pundit at 11:40 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 64 words, total size 1 kb.

December 31, 2006

And To All, a Happy New Year

Ugh. The last two weeks have been miserable on many fronts, but there is always hope for a new year. As stated previously, there are tentative plans to revitalize this publication.

Some changes are already planned, while others are only being conceived. If there are any suggestions out there---other than 'give up'; I've thought of that one already---then do send 'em in.

See you next year!

Posted by: Country Pundit at 11:01 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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December 25, 2006

Merry Christmas!

OK, for all you out there that might still be drifting past this place, please accept my wishes for a Merry Christmas, joyeux noel, froliche weinhachtnen, etc. A return to service is anticipated for the coming year.

Posted by: Country Pundit at 12:54 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 41 words, total size 1 kb.

September 29, 2006

Conversations with a Friend

I was talking to a friend last night, and I mentioned that I was going to try and start up the blog again, if I could scrounge together the neurons to do it.

My friend laughed and said, "I know why you think you're at such a nadir; the Sox are out of the playoffs and South Carolina's going to lose to Auburn. (Note: They did.) You've been noticeably less chipper since the Sox dropped five straight against the Yankees."

I hemmed and hawed a little bit about "next season", but my buddy pressed on.

"You've been miserable so long that you've forgotten what it was like to be happy. I remember you from college, before you went to law school, and you're not the same man. Before you left, you thought there couldn't be anything better than riding around, stealing signs and stuffing mailboxes for a campaign. You wanted to be a happy warrior, and you enjoyed that.

"Now look at you: You're back from law school, and what are you? You're bitter, apathetic, and mopey. You don't care about politics any longer and you don't even enjoy watching sports much. What you need is a woman. Not just any woman, or some granola girl worried about Bush Lied! or something. You need a relentlessly cheerful hard-nosed type who won't let you spin your wheels in despair or apathy, but who'll drag you out of this graduate shell you've made and get you back to the way you were."

Isn't the advice of others wonderful? It's the implementation of it that's the bear. Oh well; I'll try the blog thing again and see if I can make a go of it.

Posted by: Country Pundit at 12:26 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Testing, Testing

Is this thing on? There's probably more rust on these rails than there would be on a lightly-used MILW branchline to nowhere in the middle of Minnesota. Where have I been? Undergoing the usual creativity deficit along with other professional hassles that've sapped the wit to compose and/or the will to publish. Meh, make of it what you will.

In unrelated news, I've finally finished getting all my railroad heralds displayed properly. I hope to avoid getting hit in the head by one of these heavier-than-I-thought "porcelain advertising signs" by Ande Rooney. Hooray for commemorative plate holders, for they shall be my skull's salvation. Getting popped in the head by my Atlantic Coast Line herald really hurt.

Posted by: Country Pundit at 12:00 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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June 12, 2006


Gah, four months since my last post. That's really great performance, TCP. Penn Central service, indeed. If anyone's still out there, I simply haven't had a lot to say, due to a variety of circumstances.

Blast and bother, America lost to the Czech Republic in FIFA World Cup competition. I kept seeing the Gelsenkirchen banner throughout the match and couldn't help but to substitute Geilenkirchen. I plead too many readings of Red Storm Rising or something.

In other news, it's trackwork time in the Norfolk Southern Virginia Division, so I've been seeing lots of MOW stuff go by.

Posted by: Country Pundit at 09:50 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 100 words, total size 1 kb.

February 08, 2006

Curtailment of Service

Your correspondent is under the weather and posting will suspended until such time---hopefully tomorrow morning---as he recovers.

Posted by: Country Pundit at 06:30 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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February 05, 2006

Announcement of Service

I have an article coming in response to this. It will be finished and posted after a certain sporting event occurring tonight.

Inasmuch as I am loyal to the Pennsylvania Railroad and its domain--which includes Virginia and a one-third stake in the Norfolk and Western---I am honor bound to support the Pittsburgh Steelers. Despite the fact that the Milwaukee Road, the Northern Pacific Railway, and the Spokane, Portland & Seattle Railway all served Seattle, and despite it once being the headquarters for Boeing, this is East side versus West side, and I'm firmly in the Eastern establishment.

Posted by: Country Pundit at 04:04 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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February 01, 2006

A New Link

After checking the SiteMeter results, it appears that Miss Samantha Burns is directing traffic my way.

Therefore, it is only fair that she be added to the official TCP blogroll. Congratulations, Miss Burns, and thanks for all the hits!

Posted by: Country Pundit at 01:35 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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December 03, 2005

Er, Sorry 'bout That

As one reader writes, "Where have you been?"

I've been decorating for the bloody Christmas, that's where. Bloody full-time job it is.

That, and reading the Harry Potter series of novels. Posting will resume as possible.

Posted by: Country Pundit at 03:34 AM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
Post contains 44 words, total size 1 kb.

November 24, 2005

Notice of Upcoming Service

If all goes well, I will be providing live coverage of the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade. The telecast begins at 0900 Eastern, on the National Broadcasting Company's affiliates.

Yee haw.

Posted by: Country Pundit at 12:41 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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